Pet Obesity: Tips On Ways To Shape Up

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Pet obesity is something that happens to pet owners every year. The scenario usually begins with a trip to the vet at which point your pet is weighed and the veterinarian notices that Bucky the French Bulldog has gained 10 pounds since his last visit. You and Bucky both look at the vet as if he’s crazy because you honestly can’t believe it. The truth is you’re not alone. Many pet owners have a very similar visit with the vet and are instructed to start their pets on a diet. However unlike adult obesity, obesity in pets is much easier to deal with because you as the owner are in control of what your pet ultimately eats.
If your pet is overweight or suffering from obesity, then this is article is just for you. All it takes is a few minor changes and some activity in your pet’s life and maybe even your own. Here are some tips on ways to shape up and get your pet back on the right track today. The first and most important tip is to cut back on the snacks and treats. Many pet owners tend to over treat their pets and don’t even notice. Often times this a result of the fact there is usually more than one ‘owner’ involved. Your dog isn’t just getting treats from you, but your partner, your kids, and your friends. Before you even know it, your pet has had an extra 1000 calories in just treats and you thought he only had one. Pet’s like humans can’t say no to free food, especially when they taste like bacon or even worse food from the dinner table. When treating your dog, make sure it equals 10% of its daily calorie intake. You can also try treating your pet with fruits and vegetables such as carrots, green beans, broccoli, banana slices, berries, and apples. These foods have practically no calories and they allow you to treat your pet with a treat that is healthy and has a nice crunch.
Another way to help your pet lose weight is to feed it less or change its food to something that is more health conscious. Feeding your pet less does not mean starvation. It just means cutting back a little so your dog eats less while also getting enough to remain healthy. Changing your dog’s food can prove beneficial especially if the new food is higher quality and more wholesome than the typical processed kibble. A wholesome diet will leave your pet filling full without filling up on junk and low quality fillers often found in highly processed pet food. The most common tip for pet health is exercise. This is great for both you and your pet. Exercise has proven to have both physical and mental health benefits for both humans and pets. It’s also a great time for you to bond with one another. Get outside and make your dog pant by playing fetch or going for a long walk and picking up the pace so that your dog burns more calories.
The final tip is to be patient. As we all know getting in shape can be tough, but the recipe is simple. Eat healthy, eat a little less, and get some exercise a few times a week. Weight loss takes time for everyone and there’s no quick fix. Slow and steady will reduce the figure on the scale and get your pet back to its healthy self. Follow these tips and the next time you visit the vet, he’ll be looking at you funny.
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